As a classroom teacher I have endured many professional development days during a school year. Please note I used the word “endured” to describe my experience: professional development that was boring, irrelevant, repetitive, and, in general, very stagnant. As a result of these trainings, I am promoting a revolution in professional development! It is time to experience professional development to its fullest extent and stop the madness of boring professional development.

According to Guskey (2002), educators view professional development as something they deserve. The March 2002 issue of Educational Leadership is devoted to redesigning professional development. In this issue key components of professional development are identified, as well as 5 questions for examining the effectiveness of professional development. Stigler (2002), identifies the key components needed in professional development as: having a knowledge base for the teaching profession, providing opportunities for collaborative work, and implementation of the content being presented. Can you imagine how productive professional development would be if the presenter was competent in the area being presented, and teachers were provided the chance to discuss and create implementation ideas of the content area for their classroom?

The 5 questions for evaluating professional development include:
1. Did the participants like the professional development; was it time well spent?
2. Was the content presented a contribution to the current knowledge and skill set of teachers?
3. Are sufficient resources available to support the participants?
4. Were the participants given the opportunity to implement the new knowledge and skills?
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5. Does the training impact student performance or achievement?
By answering these questions positively and keeping the tips identified by Stigler in mind, professional development can experience a revolution with sustainable change.

Guskey, T.R. (2002). Does it make a difference? Evaluating professional development. Educational Leadership. 59(6) 45-51.

Willis, S. (2002). Creating a knowledge base for teaching: A conversation with James Stigler. Educational Leadership. 59(6) 6-11.